Beard Transplant After 1 Week
The side effects of your beard transplant will begin to diffuse and ease up as the micro-wounds begin to heal however it is important to ensure that you are informed heading into your surgery about what you can expect from your beard transplant after 1 week. Check out hair transplant results for more information on what you can expect throughout recovery and when you will begin to observe growth in your recipient region. Keep reading for more on the side effects and our recovery tips for a beard transplant after 1 week.
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The results of a beard transplant after 1 week
A beard transplant after 1 week does not award you any results. At this point in the recovery process, your hair transitions into the telogen phase of the hair growth cycle. Meaning that your new beard follicles will remain dormant for a minimum of 1 month. Your side effects are the only observable consequence of a beard transplant after 1 week, however, you can look forward to reduced side effects as the hair remains in the dormant phase and hair growth within the next couple of months.

Side effects of a beard transplant after 1 week
Although the side effects of beard transplantation are usually mild and manageable, patients should ensure to do adequate research before committing to their beard transplant procedure so that these minor side effects do not come as a shock when the side effects of a beard transplant after 1 week start to kick in. Some of the side effects include but are not limited to the following factors.

Redness in the donor and recipient areas
Redness in the donor and recipient area is common after hair transplantation and occurs as a result of the micro-wounds inflicted upon the transplant area for the purpose of implantation of hair follicles.
Your body naturally pumps more blood to wounded parts of the body, in this case, the recipient zone so that the wounded tissue is exposed to more oxygen and nutrients, speeding up the healing process. The redness observed is from the excessive blood circulation in the recipient zone as your body tries to repair damaged cells.
Those with lighter skin tend to experience a more intense redness than those with darker skin. This redness usually lasts for roughly one week but is not uncommon to continue observing redness for up to 3 weeks post beard transplant

Numbness in the recipient and donor area due to trauma
Some numbness after a beard restoration procedure is common and is usually not a cause for concern. The numbness is temporary and almost always diminishes within the first week. However, it is not uncommon for the numbness to linger for up to 3 months as a result of trauma and damage to the nerve ends in the donor and recipient area.
However, due to the scientific advances made in modern beard transplant methods, the likelihood of experiencing extended periods of numbness in the scalp and jawline after a beard procedure has dwindled as both the extraction and implantation methods have been refined by the top beard transplant clinics in Turkey and other leading cosmetic surgery destinations.

Scabs surrounding the transplanted hair follicles
It is common for patients to observe small scabs forming around the transplanted beard hair follicles as soon as one day after the transplant and should fall off after a week or two. The tiny scabs may take on the appearance of sand, but it should be noted that these scabs play an important role in the survival of transplanted beard hair grafts.
The scabs act as a shield, protecting the hair follicles against infections and from shifting upwards out of the epidermis. If the scabs do not appear to be going away after 1 week, you may attempt to boost the process by placing a warm, damp compress over the transplanted jawline region for ten minutes before showering.
You may also notice that their remaining crusts turn white and swell after using this compression method, this is totally normal and should not raise any concern as it is just a sign of the crusts becoming waterlogged.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not pick at or scratch the scabs because doing so will not only increase the risk of infection but also put the results of your beard transplant after 1 week in jeopardy by increasing the likelihood of graft dislodgement.

Mild pain in the donor and recipient area
FUT beard transplant patients will likely experience a tight, uncomfortable, mildly sore sensation in the donor area, the area in which a strip of skin would have been removed from the back of the head for the purpose of transplanting the follicles. These mild pain symptoms should disperse gradually over a few days or a couple of weeks depending on the patient’s healing progression.
Patients that been treated using the FUE procedure may also experience tenderness and discomfort along the donor area for a few days and are advised to make use of pain killers if necessary, as recommended by their surgeons.

Recovery after different methods of beard restoration
Whether you opt for one of our partnering clinics offering beard transplantation using the FUT or FUE, you can rest assured that your chance of a successful beard transplant after 1 week remains high. However, the FUE method has a few advantages over the FUT method due to its modern-day approach to implantation whereby small manual incisions are not required to complete the surgery. For this reason, the FUE method allows grants you more relief from the side effects of a beard transplant after 1 week.
General tips to ease the recovery process of your beard transplant after 1 week
To avoid the dislodgement of newly transplanted follicles, it is important that you are well informed about the significance beard aftercare can play in the success of your beard transplant recovery. Patients having undergone different beard transplant techniques may observe different beard transplant results after 1 week and should exercise caution when it comes to resting after their procedure.
FUT Beard Transplant after 1 week
If you are intending to undergo Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), you should ensure to ask the clinic prior to your operation about the estimated healing time for beard transplantation following the FUT method in order to adequately prepare by taking enough leave days from work.
If you have decided to opt for a clinic offering the FUT method, you are advised to take a week or more off of work to allow for adequate healing of the donor area. If you are travelling abroad, you will need to spend additional time in your chosen beard transplant location as your stitches are to be removed approximately 10 days following your procedure.
FUE and DHI Beard Transplant after 1 Week
When opting for a clinic offering advanced techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), you can expect your wounds to heal to a suitable state after 5 to 7 days.
If you are intending to undergo FUE or DHI beard transplantation, you will benefit from reduced healing time as you will not require the removal of stitches or undergo any major trauma to the donor area. You will then have the option to return to work after just a couple of days of rest.
Aiding development of a beard transplant after 1 week
It is imperative that you are aiding graft survival and development in the first week following your beard restoration procedure because the transplanted hair should be fully embedded after a minimum of 7 days. This means that the transplanted hair will only be anchored to the scalp after 7 days so the first week following a beard transplantation procedure is when the jawline is most at risk of losing its newly transplanted hair grafts.
Sleeping one week after beard transplant
To avoid compromising your beard transplant after 1 week, it is advised that you avoid sleeping on your stomach or on your sides which would require you to lie on the side of your face, against the recipient area. The best way to sleep after beard transplantation is to make use of a recliner chair, lying at 45º for the first week or so. Another option is to lie on your back with your head resting on a stack of 3-4 pillows to try and replicate the 45º angle.
Cold compression for the areas affected by swelling
Swelling of the face, referred to as facial oedema, is common after a beard transplant procedure and occurs as a result of excess fluid in the transplant zone such as the injection of local anaesthesia. This swelling is usually observed in the forehead and under the eyes, lasting around 4 to 7 days.
The most effective way to reduce puffiness is to apply a cold compress to the affected zones. This helps to narrow the blood vessels close to the eyes, minimizing the swelling but this should only be done as advised by the surgeon or medical team that operated on the patient. The reason for this is that excessive compression may cause adverse effects by hindering the development of newly transplanted hair follicles.
Avoid excessive exercise to reduce the risk of infection
One week after beard transplantation is when you may begin easing yourself back into your fitness regime. It is advised that vigorous exercise is avoided for 1 week after a beard transplant in order to decrease the risk of accidental hair follicle dislodgement or more importantly, reduce the risk of infection in the newly transplanted follicles.
This infection is known as folliculitis and can be described as a bacterial or fungal infection in the hair follicles leading to inflammation and discomfort. In the beginning, the symptoms of this infection can be observed as red bumps or pimple-like white heads surrounding the hair follicles. Another risk of vigorous exercise too early on in the recovery process is the formation of blood clots as exercise tends to encourage further swelling.
Follow a beard-friendly hair and skin care regime
To protect the results of your beard transplant after 1 week, you are encouraged to commit to an aftercare routine consisting of cleansing, hair strengthening and growth-boosting products. These products should combine gentle ingredients to aid in the development of strong hair shafts and ensure that both the recipient and donor sites are less susceptible to infection.
Do you want to transform your jawline from meagre to manly? offers an in-depth guideline on how to select the most suitable clinic for beard restoration and all you need to know about the beard transplant process. Make sure to check out our exclusive beard transplant offers to ensure you are treated by none other than the best clinics offering must-see all-inclusive packages so that you can cut costs and receive the best support following your beard transplant after 1 week.

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Do you want more information about beard transplantation? Do you want to discuss the option of having a beard transplant in Turkey? Book a free consultation today and talk to one of our experts. We’re here to help you, no matter where you are in the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Patients should avoid massaging the transplanted area for a minimum of 2 weeks to avoid graft dislodgement and additional irritation to the inflamed areas of the jawline. Thereafter, short massages, no longer than 10 minutes or as advised by your surgeon, in the recipient area are encouraged to relax the area, facilitating the development of new hair growth.
However, a gentle massage motion moving from the centre of the forehead out to the sides of the head is acceptable and will help to disperse excess fluids under the skin to assist with swelling. Beard transplant results offer more information on beard transplant aftercare for a smoother, more comfortable healing process.
The most telling sign of a lost hair graft is bleeding. If this occurs before the follicles are fully embedded, which usually occurs around 7-14 days, the graft is likely lost and new hair will not grow from that specific channel again.
However, it is interesting to note that the average graft survival rate amongst the top clinics across the globe range between 85-98,8%, which means it is rather unlikely that the last grafts will have any major impact on the overall results of your beard transplant after 1 week. Check out beard transplant after 1 month for more on what you can expect in the following weeks
No, this is because alcohol thins the blood leading to an increased likelihood of bleeding during the recovery process. This, in turn, results in a lengthier healing time and increases the risk of postoperative complications such as infection. Check out beard transplant before and after for more on what you can expect throughout the recovery process and what you can look forward to in the long-run.
This may vary from clinic to clinic, but FUT stitches are generally removed around 10 days following the beard transplant procedure. For any more questions about a beard transplant after 1 week, simply book a free consultation wherein a beard transplant expert will answer all of your questions and assist you in setting up your jawline restoration procedure as soon as you are ready!