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Beard Transplant Healing Process | All You Need To Know
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Beard Transplant Healing Process

In the wake of advancements in hair transplant technology, more men are looking at options for increasing their facial hair growth. Men who are unable to grow a beard can get a beard transplant to fill in patchy areas or create a permanent pattern of facial hair. Whether you want to grow facial hair, cover up scars or burns, or affirm your gender, this procedure is perfect for you.

If you find yourself being interested in this procedure, you may be wondering what the beard transplant healing process looks like. Generally, beard transplants result in a very quick recovery period with minimal discomfort, and it sports great beard transplantation results. Within just a few days, you’ll be back to performing your normal daily activities. We’ll be going over all the information you need to know about the beard transplant healing process.

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The Different Beard Transplant Methods & Their Healing Process

There are two main types of beard transplantation surgeries you can choose from, namely the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Regardless of the method you choose to get, both will require hair follicles or be taken from elsewhere on the body and implanted in the desired area such as the jawline, cheeks, sideburns or upper lip.

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FUT Beard Transplant Healing Process

The FUT, or strip method, is the more traditional transplantation method where a strip of skin and hair is removed. The hair follicles are then separated from the skin and transplanted into the face for the beard transplant.

When it comes to the beard transplant healing process, the FUT method does tend to have a longer recovery time when compared to the FUE method. You will receive sutures after your procedure which will take out about 10 days later. You will only be able to continue with activities a few weeks later to give your incision some time to heal.

FUE Beard Transplant Healing Process

The FUE transplant method is the more preferred method when it comes to these two options. It is considerably less invasive as surgeons remove hair follicles individually from your scalp and thereafter they use a punch in order to remove each of the follicles.

Seeing as there is no large incision made, the FUE beard transplant healing process is a lot easier and quicker. You will be able to carry on with your regular activities soon after your procedure.

Beard Transplant Healing Process After Anaesthesia

It is not necessary to administer general anaesthesia for beard transplantations. This is because there are risks involved when doing so. When patients undergo beard transplantations while fully asleep due to general anaesthesia, a breathing tube may be required for the whole procedure. Patients also tend to need a longer recovery time.

Typically, both the donor and recipient areas are anaesthetised with local anaesthesia to eliminate pain, along with sedation to keep patients calm and comfortable during the procedure.

Local anaesthesia and sedation are safer overall than general anaesthesia and make recovery easier. Some patients may be nervous about being awake during the surgery, but they generally make recovery more comfortable. You will be able to discuss the entire process with your surgeon before having your surgery, which will put your mind at ease.

In spite of local anesthesia’s safety, patients should remember that they cannot drive themselves home after their procedure. It’s best advised to arrange for someone to drive you home afterward as you will feel a bit dazed from the sedation and medication given for pain. As soon as you get home, you can rest and let the beard transplant healing process begin.

Day-By-Day Beard Transplant Healing Process

Each person’s beard transplant healing process will differ, but there are certain milestones that people tend to reach at the same time. Let’s see what you can expect from the healing process, and when to expect it.

  • Directly After Your Beard Transplant: Your surgeon will give you something, such as an antibiotic ointment, that you will need to apply to your donor area to assist with the healing process, and to ensure that infection is avoided. To assist with your beard transplant healing process, it’s best not to touch or wet your face at this point. 
  • A Few Days After Your Procedure: Within the first few days, you may experience itching and small crusts appearing around your newly transplanted hair. When you see this, you know the physical beard transplant healing process is starting to take place. Only after 5 days will you be able to wash your face.
  • 7-10 Days After Your Procedure: There should be no more crusts a week after your procedure, and by day 10 you will be allowed to shave. If you decided on the FUT method, it is at this point that your stitches will be removed.
  • Two Weeks After Your Procedure: If you notice your hair starting to fall out after around two weeks, this is completely normal and shouldn’t worry you in the least.

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Ensuring The Healing Process Runs Smoothly

You will want the beard transplant healing process to run as smooth as possible, because if it doesn’t it can affect the outcome of your transplant. There are a few things you can do to assist with the healing process:

  • Rest after your procedure
  • Don’t touch your face for the first few days
  • Eat healthy during the recovery process
  • Drink plenty of water
  • No strenuous exercise
  • Take your medication
  • Sleep on your back
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When To Expect New Hair Growth

Once the beard transplant healing process is over, the waiting game begins to see your new hairs starting to grow. At around six months after your beard transplant, you will start to notice some regrowth taking place. However, it can take up to 12 month before you see the final results of your beard transplantation. Once you have enough hair in place, you can groom your beard in any way you see fit. You will also be pleased to see how natural the end results are, despite the hair coming from your head.

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