Beard Transplantation by IdealofMeD
Whether you’re ready to go get a beard transplant in Turkey, or just want to read up on what it all entails. This website covers it. There is only one – your #1 source for all you need to know about getting a beard transplantation.

As we all may know, not all men are blessed with the ability to grow

How Much Beard Hair Loss Is Normal? To maintain a healthy, well-groomed beard, it’s necessary
A beard transplant in Turkey?
How much can I save?
How many grafts do I need?
Will the result look natural?
The Best Beard Transplantation offers is your free source of beard transplant info by the experts at IdealofMeD. Read up or book a free consultation with one of our beard restoration specialists.
- World-class medicine
- High Success Rates
- All-inclusive, affordable packages
Why Beard Transplantation?
For many men, growing a beard is more complicated than simply not shaving and letting nature take its course. Whiskers do not always grow evenly across the face, resulting in patchy facial hair rather than a fashionable beard. Or you could have inherited genes that prevent you from growing any type of beard.
If your facial hair follicles aren’t cooperating, you can try a beard implant, just like you can transplant your own hair to the top of your head to combat a receding hairline.
A doctor will examine your skin and hair to see if you’re a good candidate, and then you’ll have to decide whether the procedure is worthwhile. There is no guarantee that you will be pleased with the results, just as there is no guarantee that you will be pleased with the results of any medical procedure. However, if you can locate a qualified provider, it may be worth looking into whether a few hours in a doctor’s office can provide you with a beard that will last a lifetime.
The pros of Beard Hair Restoration
This surgical procedure can be performed on beards, sideburns, cheeks, and the moustache area. Here are a few reasons why beard transplantation is not a difficult decision to make.
- Yields permanent results
- Safe surgical procedure
- Requires only local anaesthetic
- Relatively painless, having been described as small ‘pinches’ by patients
- Transplanted hairs function as normal hair after the healing process
- The new beard can be trimmed and shaved as normal
- Facial hair transplants may also be performed to conceal acne scars or other types of facial scars such as burns if required

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- Talk to a female Specialist directly
- Personalised hair analysis
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- 100% Tailored Female Hair Transplant
- Includes Exclusive Hair Products
The Cons of Beard Hair Restoration
We believe that the pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to beard implants. However, we have included them here for your consideration.
- You will sacrifice hair from another part of your body. This is typically the back of your head, and as a rule, one in every five strands will be harvested. This leaves no visible balding or patches.
- As soon as you start getting used to having a bead, it will fall out! Even though this sounds like it defeats the purpose, it is temporary. Your new, permanent beard will be along soon.
- The cost. For many it is the biggest disadvantage to having a beard transplant. This is another area that Turkey excels in. They offer gold-standard beard transplants and prices that most countries cannot compete with.
While some clinics charge per graft (the final price is the number of grafts multiplied by the price per graft), others charge per session. You can go with the price-per-graft plan, as there are patients who need more grafts than others.
Most beard transplant clinics in Turkey offer all-inclusive packages that cover the price of all your graphs, accommodation, and transport in Turkey.
Beard Transplant at a Glance
Procedure Time | 3 – 9 hours |
Anaesthetic Type | Local |
Hospital Stay | None |
Washing | Spray only for 3 days |
Driving | 1 Day |
Mobility | Instant |
Sexual Activity | 2 Weeks |
Return to Work | 1 Week |
Exercise | 2 Weeks |
Travel | 1 – 2 Weeks |
Recovery time | 6 Weeks |
Full Beard Growth | 6 – 12 Months |
How much does a beard transplant cost?
Once your surgeon has determined that you are a suitable candidate for beard transplantation, the next step is to determine the beard transplantation cost. This cost is dependent on the number of grafts required to meet your desired density and aesthetic. A beard transplant procedure typically involves the placement of 300-600 grafts for the moustache area, 600-800 grafts for a full goatee, 200-350 grafts per sideburn, and 800-1000 grafts per cheek, which is once again dependent on your desired aesthetic.
We want to help you find and compare the best value-for-money clinics. Book a free consultation now.
Are you a good candidate for beard transplantation?
Good candidates for beard hair restoration are those wanting fuller beards and have an adequate amount of donor hair for the procedure.
Below are a few considerations that surgeons will take into account before accepting someone for a beard transplant:
Cause of Beard & Hair Loss
If you are balding as a direct result of disease or a condition, you will more than likely continue to lose hair after your transplant. Medical conditions will be considered first by doctors when deciding your suitability for beard transplantation.
Patients suffering from homeostatic imbalances and metabolic syndromes such as hypertension and diabetes should ensure they are in a stable state before undergoing hair transplantation. The same goes for patients suffering from other chronic disorders, who need to consult their doctor and notify their surgeon before surgery.
Ample Donor Beard Hair Density
Successful beard transplantation requires a decent donor area. If there aren’t adequate hairs to remove and transplant, the procedure may not move forward. The most common donor areas for a beard transplant are the back of the patient’s scalp and the area under the chin of the patient
Once you have decided on the best transplant clinic, your doctor will advise you on whether this procedure is right for you and what the best donor area will be for you.
Varying Hormone Levels as Men Age
Due to the fact that some men begin noticing balding or thinning of the beard as soon as their late teens or early twenties, there is no minimum age requirement for undergoing a beard transplant. But how young is too young?
Your age will not increase your risk of negative side effects or serious infection post-operation. However, if the procedure is done too early, there are a few issues that may arise as a result. Because balding or thinning of the beard can happen over a course of years, the most common issue may be balding in areas of the face in which the transplants were not received. Meaning that additional bald patches may appear surrounding the existing transplants. The only way to fix this issue would be to undergo an additional transplant.
Some men may find that they’re able to achieve a full beard by the time they are 18 years old, with others only seeing maximum beard thickness in their late 20s or never at all. Therefore, most beard transplantation surgeons will suggest that men undergo the treatment once they are at least 23.
How to Choose the Best Beard Transplantation Clinic for You
There are plenty of beard transplantation clinics around the world, which is why it is so important to consider the quality of their medical team and facility and the standard of modern technology utilized.
Before listing a clinic on our site, we do our own evaluation of each. Our assessments are based on the above considerations and criteria such as the quality of service from the first contact with the clinic to the weeks post-operation. All of the clinic listings on have been recognized as high-performing, world-class beard transplantation facilities and come highly recommended by not only us but their patients as well! Be sure to check out the clinic reviews listed on our site to make your final decision!
Because cosmetic surgeries such as beard transplantations may become costly, we have sought out clinics offering competitive pricing without compromising the quality of your procedure. That being said, traveling abroad for your treatment might prove to be your best option. With most clinics offering packages that include accommodation and services such as shuttles from your accommodation to your clinic, it’s easier than ever.

What is Beard Transplantation?
A beard transplantation is a cosmetic procedure carried out by specialist surgeons in which hair is taken from one part of the body, often the back of the head in line with the ears or below the chin, and transplanted to your jawline to restore hair in areas where facial hair growth is sparse or missing.
On average, 4,000 to 7,000 hairs can be transplanted during a bearded transplantation. Some surgeons may use two hairs for each graft to make the beard look more natural. The surgeon takes special care that each individual hair points in the right direction, giving the natural look of a beard.
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Beard growth is primarily affected by the following factors:
- Genetics – the LNX1 gene on chromosome 4 to be specific
- Stress – when dealing with ongoing, high levels of stress, the body produces excessive amounts of cortisol in response, often resulting in hair loss all over the body, including the beard
- Medicine and supplements – Male beard growth is stimulated in the follicles by testosterone. Linear growth of the beard, meaning the rate at which your beard hair grows, is stimulated by a more powerful male hormone called DHT. These are the androgens, and facial hair is purely androgenic hair. Low androgens result in slow growth.
- History of radiotherapy – Radiation therapy not only destroys cancerous cells but may also affect healthy fast-growing cells in your body, resulting in temporary or permanent hair loss.
- Diseases and conditions – along with other diseases and conditions, auto-immune diseases such as alopecia areata have a tendency to result in hair loss. This will be discussed later in the article.
- Diet – Hair loss is a common side effect of neglecting to nourish your hair follicles and the cells that make them function
- Scaring – A significant number of men acquire beard implants to hide scars
Book a free consultation today
Do you want more information about a beard transplantation? Do you want to discuss the option of having a beard transplant in Turkey? Book a free consultation today and talk to one of our experts. We’re here to help you, no matter where you are in the process.
Beard Transplant Techniques
FUT Technique:
Follicular Unit Transplantation entails the surgeon cutting out a small strip of tissue containing multiple hair follicles from the donor location. The surgeon then closes the edges of the wound and extracts the hair grafts from the piece of skin that was removed.
The advantages of FUT:
- FUT promotes a high yield of hair in the recipient area as it allows a surgeon to transfer up to 4000 follicles in a single session, making this technique suitable for those who desire an added fullness.
- FUT has a higher hair follicle survival rate.
FUE Technique:
Follicular Unit Extraction is a transplantation technique whereby hair follicles are taken from either the back of the head or below the chin and moved to the bald areas of the beard to create the patient’s desired facial hair aesthetic.
The advantages of FUE:
- This is a minimally invasive procedure
- Post-operation scarring is virtually invisible
- It allows the surgeons to select follicular units of their own choice by providing the opportunity to identify, separate, and select finer follicle unit

What Does the Beard Transplantation Process Look Like?
During the Beard Transplantation Surgery
A new outline for the beard is marked by the beard transplantation surgeon before the procedure begins. Once the new hair design for the beard is finalized, local anesthesia is administered.
Before the beard hair transplant begins, a local anaesthetic is admisinstered to both the harvesting area, and the area the hairs will be implanted. The donor hair is harvested from the back of the scalp or the lower part of the beard area, right below the chin using either the FUE or FUT technique, which was decided upon in your consultation.
The surgeon will then implant the hairs in the outlined recipient area, establishing the permanent, full beard you desire.
After the Beard Transplantation Surgery
Any pain and swelling should subside within the first day or two. If the FUE technique was used, the patient may have some redness, scabbing and mild irritation on the recipient area for about a week. If the FUE technique was used, the recovery period is between 10-15 days after the surgery.
You can expect the transplanted hair to shed post-operation and this occurs as a result of the temporary deprivation of blood supply to the graft during the operation. This is known as “Shock Loss”. It is a natural part of the process and does not mean that the transplant has failed. Shedding of transplanted hair may be observed one week following the procedure and may continue for up to six weeks. A very small percentage of patients do not shed, and the transplanted hair will continue to grow. However, it is important to note that whether a patient sheds or not, this does not affect the outcome of the beard restoration.
It generally takes 3 to 4 months to notice new hair growth and 5 months to start noticing a considerable amount of hair on the transplanted area. In 6 to 8 months, you will see the full result of the transplant.
Androgenic hair growth is dependent on the hormone testosterone – the more testosterone a guy has, the more facial hair he will grow. Ironically, testosterone is also responsible for some terminal hair follicles reverting over time to vellus follicles – hence middle-aged scalp baldness (even in the presence of a full and manly beard!).
Reasons to get a beard transplantation

Stress and Lifestyle
Being over-stressed for long periods in conjunction with bad eating habits and poor lifestyle choices such as high-sodium diets, may all result in beard patchiness. The cheek area has weaker blood flow than other areas of the face which means that fewer nutrients are delivered to the cheeks, resulting in slow hair growth.
Another potential reason for sparse facial hair is insufficient exercise. Exercise increases testosterone levels in your body, which plays a highly significant role in the promotion of hair growth.

Genetic Factors
Genetics is amongst the few things in life that are out of our control. If your father and grandfathers all had thick beards, the chances of your beard thickening with age are much higher. Genetics may affect the colour, length, and thickness of hair. It’s a good thing beard transplantation is very much in your control, for the most part.

Medical conditions and diseases
A common medical condition that can cause beard patchiness is alopecia areata, a type of hair loss caused by autoimmune diseases, which can cause the body to damage hair follicles. With alopecia areata, your autoimmune system wrongly identifies your hair follicle as an invader and attacks your follicles as if they are foreign bodies.
Those that do suffer from alopecia experience spot baldness that leaves small bald spots in typically hairy parts of the body including the beard area. Fortunately, it’s a fully treatable condition and may even go away on its own.
The good news is that all of the clinics listed on our site are equipped with state-of-art doctors and surgeons who will help you figure out your suitability and answer all of your questions to ensure you are 100% confident going into your transplant treatment.
The Difference between Beard Transplants and Hair Transplants
People who are considering a beard transplant frequently ask this question. There are minor differences between beard and scalp hair, which is notable. Mustache and beard hairs are normally made up of individual hair units. Though it’s not always observable, the growth of Androgens (male sex hormones) stimulate the growth of beards, which begins during puberty. Then, for the next 20 years or so, they become denser.
Androgen overactivity is frequently the cause of hair loss on the scalp and male pattern baldness. Hair follicles on some men’s scalps are more sensitive to certain hormones than others. Men’s ethnic groups usually influence beard density and growth; for example, Middle Eastern and Indian men are known to have denser beards, whereas Asian men have less hair and density in their beards than African and Caucasian men.
Keep in mind that your scalp hair is denser than the hair on your beard and face. Although beard hair and scalp hair are similar in shape, scalp hair is circular (or oval) in shape, while beard hair is elliptical.
When it comes to the transplants themselves, the surgeon will transplant less hair into a beard than in the same area of a hair transplant. The beard hair also grows quicker, so although the process is the same, full recovery is achieved earlier with a beard transplant.
Frequently Asked Questions
Prices range from €1,749 for a beard transplant in Turkey with one of our verified partner clinics, to over €7,000 in the UK or €12,000 in the US. We have collected the best offers for you and are here to help you get the best prices.
As the process is not a “quick fix” and takes a few months before the hair follicles start growing hair, it can be an anxious wait until the full beard emerges.
Both FUT and FUE can produce natural-looking beards, though FUT beards are typically fuller. This is due to the removal of a strip of skin, which results in the harvesting of more hair follicles. FUT is the best option for those who prefer to grow a thick beard.
Hair follicles that have been transplanted are usually firmly in place and growing within 3-4 months, regardless of whether FUE or FUT was used to perform the beard transplant. If you have a full, healthy beard at the end of the eighth to ninth month, the beard transplant was a success. This is when it finally looks 100% natural and no one can tell that you have had a transplant.
Beard transplants seldom fail. When they do, it is often due to poor harvesting of donor hair. This is another reason that you should do as much research as you can with regards to the choice of clinic you choose to have your beard transplant at.
In the end you have to decide whether a beard transplant is worth it for you. We are here to help! Book a free consultation where we can answer your questions.
Absolutely! We only work with the beard transplant best clinics to ensure you get a natural result. Read more about beard transplant results.
Mainly because over 500,000 (60%) of all hair transplant procedures annually are performed in Turkey. With so many treatments each year, the hair transplant industry is a specialized industry with much lower costs. We can help you find a trusted clinic.